"Oh No I hope he doesn't want to see me naked!"
It's been an exciting couple of weeks for Sassy Spirit and it all started with the type of phone call that you don't get on an average sort of day.
"Hello this is Suzy from Gok Wans Office"
The line was clear and I was pretty sure I had heard correctly, the voice had said Gok Wan! My brain started racing. In fact in the next few seconds I think my mind propelled me through a series of very confusing questions and scenarios for why Goks office might be calling me. My thoughts culminated in my biggest fear of "Oh No I hope he doesn't want to see me naked!"
Well the world can breathe a sigh of relief there was absolutely no mention of me taking my clothes off. Suzy had called to tell me all about Goks Fashion Brunch Club and how he was bringing it to Lincoln for a Special Mothers Day Event.
I have to confess and say that at this point I had no idea what the Fashion Brunch Club was but I was still excited to hear that Gok would be in Lincoln and I was waiting patiently to hear why I was being called with this news. Suzy went on to describe what a wonderful event they had planned. A 300 ticket only event, to be held at the Hilton Doubletree, Brunch, Prosecco, Fashion Show, Style Tips, Goody Bags, Goks Dreamspace and live in the flesh, Gok himself. It all sounded wonderful.
I was imaging myself in weddingesque finery sipping Prosecco and chatting with Gok about how to make my bum look less round when Suzy delivered her killer question. "Would I like to be one of the local businesses to come and retail in Goks, Dreamspace?" She went on to say how they had found Sassy Spirit online and they really liked what they had seen. They were very carefully selecting only 6 businesses to be showcased at the event and would be really pleased if I would consider it.
Wow! "Would I consider it?" Of course I would consider it. So after a few more questions Suzy was sending me the details and I was looking at my phone wondering if that call had really happened.
What a huge compliment. I was smiling from ear to ear, this was so exciting. Now what to do first? Tell someone! I messaged my good friend Becky the following "If you could spend Mothers Days with me and Gok Wan would you be interested?"
She rang me straight away and started firing questions at me............."What is it?, Why are you asking me about Gok? Can I bring my Mum? Will Gok be bringing Dolly?"
"What? Who's Dolly?" I asked. "Who's Dolly?" she asked incredulously "His Dog" and I could almost hear her rolling her eyes at me in frustration.
So in short her answer was a firm yes, she did want to spend Mothers Days with me and Gok. That was a week ago now and we have both almost calmed down. Planning for event is now in full swing and we are looking forward to it with so much excitement.
If you can make it to Lincoln on Sunday 11th March for what is probably going to be the social highlight of 2018 it would be great to see you. As I am writing this there are still tickets available but these won't hang around for long so if you are struggling for a Mothers Day gift why not push the boat out and make this one really something to remember.
To purchase tickets:
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